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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Are you a Patriot or are you a Traitor. Now think very hard some of the questions may not be what they seem. Our present country or may I say the admistration of our goverment does not abide by the Constitution. Here is where you need to think. Presently we have an administration that will not step up to the plate and accept their shortcomings. They instead are still trying to blame the adminstrations all the way back through Ronald Reagan for what is happening at present. Also remember poor Sarah Palin has caught uncalled for hate worse from this so called man of change followers. Now for the questions I will ask. At the end you figure up for yourself whether you are a Patriot or a Traitor.
1. You salute the flag of the United States of America upon it's raising or lowering. When the National Anthem is played or do you grab your crotch? 
2. You believe in the Constitution as written by our forefathers? You desire it be changed if so, WHY?
3. You gain the Oval Office an immdediately bail out banks, auto mfgs in the false pretense of saving jobs. instead of letting them go bellyup like many of our taxpayers are. You increase the National Debt far higher than any and all the Presidents preceeding you. This debt is unreachable in it's present form. Did he do this on purpose? He now is in the process of cutting militarty spending even though our military needs it more now than any time before. What is his goal here? Does he desire the U.S. go bankrubt and not be able to defend itself? Why not do the simple thing to end questions of his birth once and for all by presenting his birth certificate. The Supreme Court itself ought to give him an order to do so or have him step down immediately. Agree or disagree?
4. He intends to cut educationl spending at a time when we need it worse than ever? Do we need this?
5. He intends to go on giving free education to Illegals along with free school food, welfare checks medical aid and will not close the Borders. AGAIN WHY? Proven that over 51,000 illegals other than Mexican Nationals came across the Border just this year. Why are they here?
6. Emirgrtation is emirgration. Crossing ones Border illegally is plainly a criminal offense. Anyone being arrested for this? I CAN ANSWER, HELL NO? Obama Wishes to give them amnesty so they can vote.
7. Upon meeting with the Queen of our strongest allie. Did he bow like protocol dictates and kiss her hand. HELL NO. He stood there like the dunce he is. But yet, when he landed in a middle eastern country I will not mention he grabbed that leader's hand and bowed to kiss it as Muslims do.
I can continue this on an on with such things as attending a church for twenty years with a pastor who yelled, "GOD DAMN AMERICA AND WHITEY". You answer the questions then you determine if your Patrotic or you're not. Be honest and answer correctly. If your educated you know what it takes to be a patriot. If not then get the hell out of this country.

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